Sunday 15 January 2012

We got there in the end

It may have taken a while but we got the headcollar on in the end.

Rowan really really did not like the headcollar or the scarf or anything else strange for that matter coming into his stable for a while. I took to carrying it around with me every time i went into his stable for about a week and  then with the aid of food eventually got it close enough for it to touch him. Then we did a bit of clicker like training (same kind of principal but i was kind of making it up as we went along and he isnt keen on the clicking) getting him putting his nose through. The break through however came when I sat with him while he ate his feed and got him to put his head through the headcollar (noseband undone but head piece done up) and then got his ears through it He then went off and had a bit of a think about it until he realized that there was still food in his bowl and he came back allowing me to do the noseband up and it was on. Have done it a few more times but for now the headcollar is staying on to get him used to it.

So now hopefully we will finally progress to getting him out in the next few days. That is if the weather allows (our yard was like a skating ring this morning).

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