Sunday 20 November 2011

Busy few days
I need not have worried bout going backwards with Rowan the next morning he was awaiting my arrival as usual his little nose sticking up over the top of the door. He has continued to get more and more curious over the week coming closer every day in fact he is now so close he could touch me with little effort but is still not keen on me touching him apart from when we are in his corner. I sat with him on Friday morning and he came up and was sniffing my boots and my legs quite happily and probably would have continued to do so had he not been spooked by my darling mare sticking her head over the door having untied herself and decided it was time I take her back to the field!
Unfortunately on Saturday the eye infection had just gotten over on his arrival looked like it was making a comeback and we had no choice today but to clean his eyes. I tried to get close enough to his head with advance and retreat but he was not having any of it so we were left with little option but to grab hold of him and do it as quickly and quietly as possible. He didn't like it and made a bit of noise about it while we were doing it but he then discovered he actually quite liked having his neck rubbed and stayed with us even once we had let him go. He settled quickly and then when I returned to his box about half an hour later he was fine letting me touch him again and did not seem overly panicked by what we had done to him.
Today his eyes looked miles better with much less gunk in them so we have left well alone. He was a little more unsure today but seems to be alright. It took longer for him to allow me in today but by the time I left he seemed pretty ok again.

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